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Over 50 Years Of Combined Experience On Our Side For Eminent Domain Issues, Construction Litigation, Business Litigation, Estate Planning and Appellate Litigation


Call: (210) 226-7800

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Advocates For Your Property Rights And Just Compensation


At Barkhurst & Hinojosa, P.C., our San Antonio law firm represents private landowners and governmental entities in all aspects of condemnation and eminent domain matters ranging from good faith negotiations to jury trials and appeals. Our goal is to maximize your compensation under the facts of the case and under Texas Law.


Our skilled, knowledgeable lawyers offer a strong voice for our clients during each stage in the condemnation and eminent domain legal process — from negotiations to the special commissioners' hearing to trial and award. We are guided by the state's Landowner's Bill of Rights and the opportunity to safeguard your interests, in everything we do for you.

We have also built a decades-long reputation for results with the handling of trials and appeals at both the state and federal levels, on briefs and through arguments before state and federal appellate courts.


Headquartered in San Antonio and serving clients throughout the state with an emphasis in Central and South Texas, Barkhurst & Hinojosa, P.C., eminent domain and condemnation attorneys provide experienced, effective, efficient representation for property owners whose land has become subject to a condemnation or affected by a public project.

Contact Barkhurst & Hinojosa, P.C. at 210-226-7800 or e-mail for an initial consultation. We are located in North Central San Antonio at One Elm Place.

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